To all the artists here who think there's nothing "inspiring" in Toledo, I say stop complaining and walk out your front door! These pictures were taken outside my apartment on a foggy night in Toledo, Ohio. I used a cheap little Canon Powershot A610 point and shoot. The only light was from the street lamps and porch lights. This shoot was a lot of fun! Amy-Marie looks beautiful and a little haunting in some of these pics. Her hat and coat really fit the mood! I was amazed at how beautiful they turned out, especially with the camera I was using. I think they have a sort of Old world... Rembrandtish, oil painting look to them, not that I'm in any way comparing myself to Rembrandt but I couldn't help seeing that style in the pictures. So yeah, I think inspiration is all around us no matter where we are we just have to open our eyes. Thank you Amy-Marie for insisting we go outside on a cold and foggy night and take pictures, it was inspiring!